Tips for creating your own garden office
What better than a garden office or shed when you need to self-isolate? The Herts Ad has printed some of my thoughts on garden offices this week and you can read them here. A snippet:
Image: The Cork Studio, an eco garden office made partly from cork that was one of 32 sheds shortlisted in the 2017 Shed of the Year competition (courtesy Cuprinol Shed of the Year).The world of work has changed almost overnight. For the last 15 years via my website Shedworking I’ve been encouraging people to consider working from home in garden offices and seen a steady increase in interest suddenly turn into a mighty flood this week as people look for a new office location. A garden office offers a decent solution. Right from the start of the day it offers you the same kind of ceremony as your normal commute (only happily it’s just a 30 second one). This is important as that brief walk down to the end of your garden marks a clear psychological difference between where you work and where you live. You feel like you’ve ‘gone to work’ rather than merely sat up in bed and wedged your laptop onto a pillow.
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